Diploma in Laser Dentistry


This Course is a continuous education international training program on the use of lasers as an adjunct therapy to clinical dental surgery and medicine.
This course will define a level of competence that is consistent with an experienced laser user. The course is designed to provide evidence-based core knowledge in laser use in dentistry and to refine practical skills. Emphasis is placed on the integration of this training program into the on-going practice of dentistry for each participant and the future benefit of laser use for dental patients.
Elements of the course are didactic theoretical and applied clinical knowledge of laser use in all aspects of dental surgery and medicine. Additional aspects shall include the practical use of lasers and the compilation of clinical case presentations.
The teaching faculty is selected from members of the University of Genoa and Accredited International Specialists in laser dentistry.
The international training program is directed and coordinated by Prof. Stefano Benedicenti. 
Successful completion of the course and final examination shall be recognized by the presentation of a certificate: “Diploma in Laser Dentistry”
and a transcript of records legalized by the Italian government providing 10 ECTS ( 250 credit hours with 72 hours of theoretical lessons and hands on, 153 hours of individual study and 25 hours of thesis preparation )

Course Structure

The course is comprised of three “three-day” modules (9 days)

Module I

•    Laser photonic energy. 
•    Historical aspects of laser development. 
•    Relationship of laser emission to “ordinary” light.
•    Production of laser photonic energy by solid-state, gas and semi-conductor based laser machines. 
•    Emission modes.
•    Laser wavelengths in use in dentistry and an overview of their application. Laser-tissue interaction. 
•    Laser wavelengths and consideration of optimal power parameters relative to absorption phenomena.
•    Laser interaction with enamel, dentine, cementum, and dental caries.
•    Laser interaction on soft tissue.
•    Hands-on.

Module II

•    Laser use in periodontology – surgical and non-surgical applications.
•    Laser use in the management of non-keratinized or “loose” soft tissue structures – lining mucosa, frenula, and ventral tongue.
•    Laser use in the management of keratinized or “fixed” soft tissue – gingiva, dorsal tongue.
•    Laser Interaction with Alveolar Bone.
•    Laser Use in Implantology.
•    Hands-on.

Module III

•    Laser use in endodontics.
•    Laser use in fixed prostheses.
•    Laser in Bleaching.
•    Laser in Aesthetic Dentistry.
•    Biomodulation
•    Hands on