Diploma in Implantology


This Course is a continuous education international training program designed to offer comprehensive training in all aspects of implant dentistry.  

The course shall define a level of competence that is consistent with an experienced clinician. The goal of the curriculum is to provide dentists with a scientifically based rationale for all diagnostic, treatment planning, and patient care decisions. The course is designed to provide advanced evidence-based core knowledge in modern implantology and to refine practical skills. This includes treatment planning, surgical technique, soft tissue management, advanced regenerative technique, prosthesis planning and execution with classical and digital workflow. Emphasis is placed on the integration of this training program into the on-going practice of dentistry for each participant and the future benefit for dental patients. Elements of the course are didactic theoretical and applied clinical knowledge of implant dentistry in all its aspect.

The didactic format will include lectures, laboratory time, video review literature review and an intensive hands-on practice.  

The teaching faculty is selected from members of the University of Genoa and Accredited International Specialists in Implantology. The international training program is directed by Prof. Stefano Benedicenti and coordinated by Prof. a.c. Claudio Modena Successful completion of the course and final examination shall be recognized by the presentation of a certificate:  

“Postgraduate Diploma in Implantology”

and a transcript of records legalized by the Italian government providing 10 ECTS (250 credit hours with 72 hours of theoretical lessons and hands on, 153 hours of individual study and 25 hours of thesis preparation).  

Course Structure

The course is comprised of six “two-day” modules.  

Module I


  • Historical note and biological considerations.
  • To save or not to save? When natural tooth and when implant.
  • Patient Selection and management.
  • Bone biology and bone healing.
  • Radiology in implant dentistry.
  • Treatment planning classical and digital (free software Blue Sky Plan).
  • Literature (suggested textbooks and papers).
  • Drilling protocols.
  • Case presentation protocol.

Hands On Session:

  • Treatment Planning.
  • Face Bow and wax up.
  • Implant insertion on plastic models.


Module II

Surgical technique:

  • Flaps design in Implant dentistry.  
  • Sutures.
  • Biomaterials and their use in Implantology.
  • Post extractive implants.
  • Cavity preparation for direct composite restorations in posterior teeth (I and II Black class).
  • Biological interfaces (surfaces, shapes, threads, connection).

Hands On Session (on Goat heads):

  • Flaps and suture.
  • Anatomical dissection.

Module III

Regenerative technique:

  • GBR Guided Bone Regeneration.
  • Horizontal GBR.
  • Vertical GBR.
  • Customized GBR.
  • Bone Blocks.
  • Split Crest Technique.
  • Maxillary Sinus Lift (crestal and lateral approach).
  • Bone collection technique.

Hands On Session (on Goat heads):

  • Sinus antrotomy on chicken eggs.
  • GBR tech on goat heads.

Module IV

Prosthetic technique:

  • Back to the beginning: the prosthetic plan.
  • Impressions open tray, closed tray, digital.
  • Cast.
  • Single crown, bridges and full arch.
  • Abutment choice.
  • Screw retained, Cemented, Bar retained, Over denture.
  • Full guided digital implantology from implant to final tooth.
  • Occlusion and occlusion adjustment.

Hands On Session (on Goat heads):

  • Impressions.  
  • Digital impressions.

Module V

Mucogingival technique:

  • Soft tissue and their importance.
  • Soft tissue management around teeth.
  • Soft tissue management around implant.
  • Free gingival graft.  
  • Connective tissue graft.


Hands On Session (on Goat heads):

  • Mucogingival technique.

Module VI

Complications in Dentistry:

  • Mechanical complications.
  • Prosthetic complications.
  • Patient discomfort: when and why?
  • Biological complications.
  • The peri-implant disease.
  • The treatment of complications.

Hands On Session (on Goat heads):

  • Case presentations and discussion.
  • MC questions.

Clinical Requirements

The practical sessions will be based on the evidence base and well-defined implant technique

The practical sessions will comprise:

  • Drilling and implant placement.
  • Flaps design and elevation.  
  • Suture.  
  • Sinus lift procedure on animal models.
  • Impressions.
  • Digital workflow.